Anna University Solved Question Papers - Mechnical 4th Sem from Sruthi PublicationsAll Subjects 5 Years Q & A* Statistics and Numerical Methods* Kinematics of Machineary* Manufacturibg Technology - II* Engineering Materials and Metallurgy* Environmental ..
Environmental Science and Engineering by A.V.Jisha kumari from Charulatha PublicationsAnna University 2017 RegulationsBranch: ECE (V), EEE / EIE /2ND SEM CSE / IT /CIVIL (III), MECH (IV) semesterCourse Code: GE8291 ..
Environmental Science and Engineering by P. Uma from Magnus PublicationsAnna University 2017 RegulationsBranch: ECE (V), EEE / EIE / CSE / IT /CIVIL (III), MECH (IV) semesterCourse Code: GE8291..